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  • Le gru a rotazione alta Potain più grandi mai realizzate in Europa affrontano l’imponente ristrutturazione del viadotto Gravagna in Italia

    • La società di costruzioni italiana ITINERA si è rivolta a Manitowoc per sostenere la ristrutturazione del viadotto Gravagna, vicino a Genova, con i primi modelli MDLT 1109 al mondo, le più grandi gru a rotazione alta mai prodotte da Potain in Europa.
    • Il modello MDLT 1109 sostituisce il popolarissimo MD 1100 e combina un sollevamento ad alte prestazioni (11,1 t a 80 m) con un trasporto compatto e un montaggio semplificato.

  • Due autogrù multistrada Grove hanno unito le forze per eseguire gli spettacolari sollevamenti in tandem realizzati da Palumbo Heavy Lift a Napoli

    • Palumbo Heavy Lift ha inviato le sue nuove Grove GMK5250XL-1 e GMK7450 per rimuovere gli alberi di un superyacht Perini Navi a Napoli, in Italia.
    • L’azienda ha particolarmente apprezzato il braccio principale della gru GMK5250XL-1 lungo 78,5 m, che ha consentito alla squadra di completare in un solo giorno il complesso lavoro di sollevamento.

  • Due gru multistrada Grove uniscono le forze per riparare una storica chiesa italiana

    • Un’azienda italiana di noleggio e trasporto di gru ha impiegato le sue gru Grove in tandem per riparare una chiesa locale colpita da un fulmine.
    • L’intero progetto è stato completato in un solo giorno con l’ausilio delle gru Grove GMK4100L-2 e Grove GMK4100L-1.

  • Quattro gru Potain per la ristrutturazione dello storico Policlinico di Milano

    • Consorzio Stabile SIS ha scelto le gru Potain per la ristrutturazione di uno degli ospedali più antichi d’Italia, il Policlinico di Milano (conosciuto anche con il nome di Ospedale Maggiore di Milano) fondato nel lontano 1456. 
    • La società di costruzione Italiana ha acquistato quattro gru a rotazione alta Potain, due MDT 269 J12 e due MDT 389 L16, per superare le difficoltà del cantiere, che includono una strada di accesso particolarmente ristretta e mancanza di spazio per la manovra di mezzi pesanti.
    • L’Ingegnere Matteo Pastore di Manitowoc Lift Solutions ha giocato un ruolo cruciale nella progettazione e nell’organizzazione del posizionamento delle gru a torre, sfruttando l'esperienza e le capacità uniche dei tecnici Potain che prestano il loro servizio nei cantieri più impegnativi di tutto il mondo.

  • Manitowoc presenta la potente ed efficiente MDLT 1109, la gru a torre Potain più grande d’Europa

    •  La nuova gru a rotazione alta Potain MDLT 1109, con una portata massima di 40 t e 11,1 t in punta, con uno sbraccio massimo di 80 m, risponde alle esigenze dei progetti infrastrutturali su larga scala in Europa.
    •  Basata sul successo del precedente modello MD 1100, offre un ingombro più compatto, un trasporto semplificato e procedure di montaggio più efficienti.
    •  Il modello MDLT 1109 include anche la più recente tecnologia Potain, tra cui la curva di carico P+, il sistema Potain CCS, il sistema telematico Potain CONNECT e l’ascensore interno per gruisti Cab-IN.


Ultime notizie

UN Mobilkraner featured Grove GMK4100L-1 and K-100 synthetic rope at Sweden’s MaskinExpo 2017

One of Manitowoc’s most premier dealers in the Nordic region showcased one of the most cutting-edge Grove mobile cranes at this year’s MaskinExpo 2017. The equipment trade show occurred May 18–20 in Stockholm Sweden.

Hoisting Machinery promoted the full Potain range at InterBuildExpo 2017

InterBuildExpo which takes place in Kiev Ukraine is one of the most premiere construction trade shows in Eastern Europe. The 2017 edition of the show occurred from March 29th through April 2nd and like past years it provided an excellent chance for companies in the region to learn about the latest advancements in crane technology.

Tech giant depends on Potain to build flagship Chicago store

One of the world’s most innovative consumer electronics companies is building a new flagship location in Chicago and a Potain MR 608 tower crane is at the center of the action. The job site which sits in close proximity to the Chicago River called for a crane that could handle the required capacities while operating within the restricted space available on the job.

Potain Igo M 14 increases efficiency for Costa Rican luxury hotel project

A Potain Igo M 14 self-erecting crane is aiding the construction of Azura Hotel a new five-star lodging near the sea in Samara Costa Rica. The crane is acting in a supporting role lifting construction materials and other ancillary loads for one of the project’s contractors Construquick de San Jose (Construquick).

Fleet of Potain cranes helping to build massive hospital complex in Denmark

A large fleet of 15 Potain tower cranes is hard at work helping construct a new hospital complex for Aalborg University in Denmark. The job site is vast stretching across 330 000 m2 (81.5 acres) that also contain several other buildings and vehicular and pedestrian paths.

France’s first Potain Hup 40-30 delivered to AGESIBAT for housing project

AGESIBAT has taken delivery of the first Potain Hup 40-30 self-erecting crane to arrive in France and has quickly put the crane to work commissioning it for a housing project in Vendée. The crane is helping to build 11 houses performing all of the project’s lifts from a single location. Its high-performance slewing radius and 40 m jib is able to cover the entire job site saving the company from having to set up the crane in a different place for each set of lifts.

Irving Equipment bolsters fleet with custom-built National Crane NBT45

Irving Equipment has taken delivery of a customized National Crane NBT45 to strengthen its product offering and provide unprecedented reach and efficiency to its customers in Canada’s Maritime Provinces.

First Potain Hup cranes in Australia go to Active Crane Hire

The first two Potain Hup self-erecting cranes in Australia have been delivered to Active Crane Hire of NSW and immediately put to work on a residential development project in Ryde a Sydney suburb. The cranes are assisting in the construction of a seven-story apartment building and were chosen for their compact footprints and versatile configuration options which make them ideal for such urban low-rise construction projects.

Grove GMK6400 lays foundation for world’s largest Ferris wheel

Construction of one of the world’s largest Ferris wheels is underway in New York City and a Grove GMK6400 has helped contractors to build its foundation. The structure—dubbed the New York Wheel—will stand 630 ft tall when it’s completed on the northern shore of Staten Island.

Manitowoc to feature a wide variety of new Grove and Potain cranes at Vertikal Days 2017

Manitowoc will showcase several industry-leading cranes and technologies at Vertikal Days 2017 which will take place on May 24th and 25th. The company will be at Booths #400-401 and will have a wide array of Grove and Potain cranes on display for the fast-growing trade show.

Major Middle East shipbuilder chooses Grove cranes

Suez Shipyard Company has purchased two new Grove all-terrain cranes a Grove GMK5130-2 and a GMK4080-1 through Orascom Trading the Manitowoc dealer for Egypt. These new additions mean the facility now has seven mobile cranes with the latest deliveries being the company’s first Manitowoc-made units. The Egyptian shipbuilder is one of the most celebrated in the region with its facilities boasting the largest floating dock in the Middle East as well as its oldest graving dock.

Manitowoc’s EnCORE program delivers a refurbished lifting solution to De Gerlien van Tiem Shipyard

When it was time for De Gerlien van Tiem Shipyard (De Gerlien) to replace a 26-year old Potain crane that had seen the end of its lifecycle the Netherlands-based company got advice from crane servicing company Lamberts BV for an often-overlooked solution—not a new crane but a refurbished crane from Manitowoc’s EnCORE program.