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MD 610 M40

Машины, снятые с производства

Новая модель MD 610 предлагается с мачтами повышенной прочности 2 45 м типа K850 и с мачтами 2 5 м.

Модель MD 610 M40 заменяет MD 560 B M40. Оснащена грузоподъемной лебедкой 270 LVF – лебедкой последнего поколения с преобразователем частоты который обеспечивает очень высокое соотношение скорости к грузоподъемности: до 162 м/мин для груза 2 8 т.

В кране предусмотрена функция «Power Control» (ограничение мощности) которая дает возможность работать на нескольких уровнях в зависимости от подводимой мощности.  Благодаря этой системе лебедку можно использовать даже на стройплощадках с ограниченным энергоснабжением.
Кроме того функция optima дает возможность постоянно оптимизировать скорость исходя из поднимаемого груза.

Технические характеристики

  • Описание

    Reinforced mast: K850 2.45 m or round R 2.5 m

    The frequency variation mechanisms (lift distribution orientation) allow the following circumstances:

    • The regulation and control of the motor can be adapted to the machine's features notably height jib length and the load being hoisted: the behaviour of the crane while in operation is adapted to its configuration.
    • Acceleration and deceleration for the machine and the crane operator are optimized: the crane structure is protected over the long term.
    • Deceleration phases can limit the use of brakes. Brakes can be dropped at zero speed. This protects the crane structure over the long term.
    • The crane operator can interact with the deceleration curves (it is possible to operate against orientation with Optima+). This allows the machine to be adapted to operating habits.
    • The technician can quickly establish detailed diagnostics on the mechanisms thanks to the various menus on the variation panel (reading parameters meters) permitting a simple fast and efficient dialogue between man and machine.
    • Inrush current can be reduced.
    • Consumption can be reduced.

    The MD 610 combines numerous innovations designed to reinforce safety and simplicity during assembly:

    • The auxiliary winch used to ready the counter jib and jib cables considerably reduces assembly time. It also serves to mechanise the arm on the 25 t version.
    • The large platforms and designated access distinctly improve and secure working conditions for lifting personnel.
    • Every crane component is equipped with anchoring points for safe handling.

    The next-generation Ultra View cab meets all the requirements for the crane operator to work safely in a comfortable ergonomic environment.
    Extremely spacious it also provides excellent visibility of the construction site thanks to its 9 m² glass surface.
    It comes with state-of-the-art equipment and a highly functional layout that allows the operator to personalise his space:

    • Auto-regulated climate control upholstery
    • Dialog Visu II indicators (display area showing information to assist in operation: immediate range permitted range height suspended load permitted load time wind haul)
    • Front window wipers side window wipers sun visor
    • Storage table electrical outlets

    Key Advantages

    • Fastest winch in its class: 270 hp for a maximum load of 40 t 532 m cable winding capacity
    • Auxiliary winch standard for assembling cables
    • Jib assembly possible in 1 2 or 3 parts. Maximum weight during assembly can be limited to approx. 16 t
    • Comfortable access for assembly and maintenance

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Верхнеповоротные краны

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