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  • Le gru a rotazione alta Potain più grandi mai realizzate in Europa affrontano l’imponente ristrutturazione del viadotto Gravagna in Italia

    • La società di costruzioni italiana ITINERA si è rivolta a Manitowoc per sostenere la ristrutturazione del viadotto Gravagna, vicino a Genova, con i primi modelli MDLT 1109 al mondo, le più grandi gru a rotazione alta mai prodotte da Potain in Europa.
    • Il modello MDLT 1109 sostituisce il popolarissimo MD 1100 e combina un sollevamento ad alte prestazioni (11,1 t a 80 m) con un trasporto compatto e un montaggio semplificato.

  • Due autogrù multistrada Grove hanno unito le forze per eseguire gli spettacolari sollevamenti in tandem realizzati da Palumbo Heavy Lift a Napoli

    • Palumbo Heavy Lift ha inviato le sue nuove Grove GMK5250XL-1 e GMK7450 per rimuovere gli alberi di un superyacht Perini Navi a Napoli, in Italia.
    • L’azienda ha particolarmente apprezzato il braccio principale della gru GMK5250XL-1 lungo 78,5 m, che ha consentito alla squadra di completare in un solo giorno il complesso lavoro di sollevamento.

  • Due gru multistrada Grove uniscono le forze per riparare una storica chiesa italiana

    • Un’azienda italiana di noleggio e trasporto di gru ha impiegato le sue gru Grove in tandem per riparare una chiesa locale colpita da un fulmine.
    • L’intero progetto è stato completato in un solo giorno con l’ausilio delle gru Grove GMK4100L-2 e Grove GMK4100L-1.

  • Quattro gru Potain per la ristrutturazione dello storico Policlinico di Milano

    • Consorzio Stabile SIS ha scelto le gru Potain per la ristrutturazione di uno degli ospedali più antichi d’Italia, il Policlinico di Milano (conosciuto anche con il nome di Ospedale Maggiore di Milano) fondato nel lontano 1456. 
    • La società di costruzione Italiana ha acquistato quattro gru a rotazione alta Potain, due MDT 269 J12 e due MDT 389 L16, per superare le difficoltà del cantiere, che includono una strada di accesso particolarmente ristretta e mancanza di spazio per la manovra di mezzi pesanti.
    • L’Ingegnere Matteo Pastore di Manitowoc Lift Solutions ha giocato un ruolo cruciale nella progettazione e nell’organizzazione del posizionamento delle gru a torre, sfruttando l'esperienza e le capacità uniche dei tecnici Potain che prestano il loro servizio nei cantieri più impegnativi di tutto il mondo.

  • Manitowoc presenta la potente ed efficiente MDLT 1109, la gru a torre Potain più grande d’Europa

    •  La nuova gru a rotazione alta Potain MDLT 1109, con una portata massima di 40 t e 11,1 t in punta, con uno sbraccio massimo di 80 m, risponde alle esigenze dei progetti infrastrutturali su larga scala in Europa.
    •  Basata sul successo del precedente modello MD 1100, offre un ingombro più compatto, un trasporto semplificato e procedure di montaggio più efficienti.
    •  Il modello MDLT 1109 include anche la più recente tecnologia Potain, tra cui la curva di carico P+, il sistema Potain CCS, il sistema telematico Potain CONNECT e l’ascensore interno per gruisti Cab-IN.


Ultime notizie

ALM completes challenging indoor tandem lift with Groves

Alsace Levage Manutention (ALM) used two of its Grove all-terrain cranes to complete a technical indoor tandem lift that required unique crane configurations and load charts.

Latest generation Potain cranes bring new Egyptian mall to life

The first Potain MDT 389 cranes in the Middle East are being used to construct one of the largest retail malls ever built in Egypt—the Almaza City Centre project in the capital city Cairo. A joint venture between Hassan Allam Sons and Consolidated Contractors Company (CCC) is managing all construction work.

Remote functions of Potain MCT 88 enable efficient Serbian bridge reconstruction

In Novi Sad Serbia a Potain MCT 88 tower crane is playing a pivotal role in a project to rehabilitate the Žeželj Bridge which spans the Danube River and connects a key stretch of international railway.

New Hungary dealer strengthens technical support

Following its appointment as the exclusive dealer for Grove cranes in Hungary Axial Ltd. has invested in a comprehensive training and certification program for its lead engineer József Bodnár. The program took place at the Manitowoc facility in Wilhelmshaven Germany where the company’s range of Grove GMK cranes are built. The certified ‘GMK Technician’ training was administered by Manitowoc Crane Care and following his induction Bodnár will now deliver training to a further four Axial field technicians.

Grove GMK5220 delivers a lesson in engineering excellence at Manila’s Far Eastern University

At the Far Eastern University in the Philippines’ capital city Manila there was much head scratching about the best way to remove an old inefficient air-conditioning system from an 11-story building and replace it with a new one. But after assessing the project site a joint venture of two contractors concluded the job could be finished by a single crane – the Grove GMK5220 all-terrain crane – and what’s more work could be wrapped up in just one day.

Petro Sea Logistics invests in Grove all-terrains and their aftermarket support

Petro Sea Logistics a joint venture between Belgium’s Sea-Invests and Ivory Coast’s Petroci has added a Grove GMK6400 all-terrain crane to its fleet. The purchase not only reflects the JV’s desire for a quality crane that can handle the rigors of the oil business but also for top-notch service and support provided through the partners of Manitowoc Cranes.

CLT expands plans for open house and crane launch in South Africa

Grove Dealer CLT (Crane Load Technology) has expanded its plans to connect with customers and feature the newest Grove all-terrain cranes in South Africa.

Grove cranes to help Thailand power up

The Provincial Electricity Authority (PEA) in Thailand has ordered eight Grove GMK2035E all-terrain cranes. The cranes are new additions to the PEA fleet which already includes six GMK2035 cranes. The GMK2035 is the predecessor to the GMK2035E and PEA purchased these back in 2000. The state-owned enterprise plans to use the cranes to erect electrical poles and install transformers at sites around Thailand.

Grove GHC75 helps construct Skyway Bridge Colorado’s longest elevated railway

In Denver Colorado a massive new infrastructure project is underway. The North Metro Rail Line is an 18.5-mile electric commuter rail system that will connect Denver’s Union Station with many of the city’s northern suburbs. Ten miles of the track have been completed so far along with six of the train line’s eight stations.

14 Groves perform stunning multi-crane lift for industrial plant project

Aertssen Kranen completed one of the most visually striking lifts in recent history employing 14 Grove cranes to simultaneously lift a massive pipeline for an industrial plant project in Antwerp Belgium. The cranes lifted the pipeline for temporary placement over the waters of the Port of Antwerp in Belgium a stretch of pipe typically used to carry sludge to the plant. Each crane lifted a 6.1 t section of the pipe positioned on its own pontoon floating in the port. Eight supervisors watched over the lift to ensure the project went smoothly.

Manitowoc 11000-1 scales Wisconsin ski hill to build retaining wall

Wren Works used a Manitowoc 11000-1 crawler crane to help build a retaining wall at the Mont du Lac Resort a skiing destination in Superior Wisconsin. Utilizing 140 ft of boom the 110 USt crane lifted an 18.5 USt pile hammer to heights of 75 ft to drive a series of 14 H-piles into the ground. Gangs of timber that weighed 0.5 USt were then lifted to a height of 60 ft and inserted between the piles creating a foundation for the retaining wall that will eventually shore up the resort’s new banquet room.

Grove GHC75 brings pile-driving efficiency to Arkansas park restoration

In Rogers Arkansas a Grove GHC75 telescoping crawler crane played a pivotal role in a project to rehabilitate a long-neglected city park enabling contractors to rebuild the park’s infrastructure amid tight quarters and challenging terrain.