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Potain crane refurbishes world’s largest overhead steel water tank

  • Bridge and Roof is using a Potain MC 205 B.
  • The crane is lifting replacement parts for the 180 million-liter water tank.

Indian contractor Bridge and Roof chose a Potain MC 205 B tower crane to handle lifting work on the refurbishment of the 107-year-old overhead Tallah water tank in Kolkata. The Tallah tank stands up to 33 m tall in parts with an area coverage of 30 m2 and it can hold up to 180 million liters of water. With the MC 205 B’s proven performance the company knew it had the right tool for the job.  

“We trust the Potain MC 205 B to handle lifts on what is the world’s largest overhead water tank ” said Soumyajit Sardar deputy resident manager for Bridge and Roof. “We like the efficiency of the crane. This is one of two units we own both of which have been used with great success on numerous projects across India.”

Among the parts being replaced for the Tallah tank are the base roof joists roof plates and penstock gates. The heaviest loads weigh 2 t which the MC 205 B can handle even at its maximum jib length of 60 m. The crane has a maximum capacity of 10 t and its working height is 50 m.

The refurbishment work is part of the Indian government’s Atal Mission for Rejuvenation and Urban Transformation (AMRUT) launched in 2015. One of its goals is to improve the water supply and sewerage infrastructure in the country. The Tallah tank supplies drinking water to millions of people in north and central Kolkata making it a prime target for AMRUT. Work is scheduled to finish in November 2019.

The MC 205 B is a popular choice for owners with hundreds still in operation across India. The model was replaced in late 2014 by the topless MCT 205 which continues the proud legacy of the MC 205 B and is already establishing itself as a popular choice for tower crane owners across Asia.

Bridge and Roof is a construction company with over 1 300 employees and it handles a variety of projects including road building general construction and stadium development.

Punitha Govindasamy

Manitowoc Cranes