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Latest issue of Looking UP now available online in multiple languages

Inside you’ll find a wide array of stories from around the world that showcase the range of Manitowoc brands: Manitowoc Grove Potain National Crane and Shuttlelift.

In this issue we feature:

  • A preview of bauma 2019 in Munich Germany where Manitowoc will unveil several new cranes.
  • Potain’s latest topless crane the new MCT 565 and the opportunities it presents for lifting companies.
  • How Manitowoc is helping fuel global urbanization.
  • The new technology that is transforming the way Manitowoc trains technicians.
  • A look at how The Manitowoc Way has transformed the company’s factories and how that results in better cranes.

Digital versions of Looking UP are available below in seven languages:

Chris Bratthauar

Manitowoc Cranes